Jolanta Gmur portfolio eng.jpg

Jolanta Gmur

Gdańsk, Poland

El Toro 11,


100x70 cm




I have been interested in lithography while studying at the Artistic Department in Lublin, Poland. There I have discovered all the secrets of the printing. That experience taught me a great sense of patience and humility, as well as artistic work on a stone. Simultaneously, I have written my diploma work on a theme “Colour as the substance. Psychosmatic aspects of the colour” and it started my inspiration for the current artistic activity. These experience have developed a thorough knowledge of color which I use in paintings and grafics. In 2015 together with Tomasz Malec, I founded a Republic of Polish Lithography.The main purpose of this is to popularize the forgotten art of litography among artists and people engaged in the art. We mainly organize exhibitions in the litography centres around Poland and abroad. At the same time I am an active artist taking part in collective as well as individual exhibitions. My lithography works have been presented in most of Europe countries. While not creating my lithography works, I am interested in ceramics. For me lithography is not only a printmaking technic it is also a sound and smell.

Artist Statement:

My artistic activity is based mainly on an expressive “ here and now” action. It requires an intense mental effort „entering” in „that” particular moment as well as creating the gesture that have been planned before. The expressive gestures and vivid colors are being strengthen by the sense of excitation. The permeate structures and colours create additional spaces and optical illusions. The lithography, in a particular way, connects various aspects that are of a great importance to me. First of all, it registers each footprint left on a stone and also let me integrate various forms and colours. This specific technique allows me to unlimited sense of expression. The stone, patient enough, initiates the creation of the multidimensional forms of graphics made only by gestures. Following the thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein: "The limits of my language means the limits of my world" we may conclude that naming "colour is directly related to our knowlage of its subject. Due to our intuition it is posssible to interpret any abstarct phenomena. Let's make a theoretical assumption that the "colour” does not exist. Identifying something as "blue"or "red"' is just a matter of a specyfic "code" which we use in order to communicate with one another. However, when contemplating the same object, do we absolutely see the same thing? Do we read the same "code" in the same way?


Stella Guan


Nikita Kolobov