Millenials Speak Out.jpeg

Cydney Tucker

United States

“The Real Pandemic Is Racism”



Artist Statement:

Originally started in 2013 after the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's murderer, the Black Lives Matter movement was created to protest the continuous police killings of Black Americans across the United States. In America, Black people are disproportionally killed, brutalized, and harassed by law enforcement. Like a match to a flame, this year's killings of George Floyd sparked protests and riots across the country. Generations of men, women, and children have come together to say enough is enough, placing their bodies and lives on the line to stand up for Black lives and they won't stop until it all ends -- this is the reckoning. 


Cydney Tucker is a U.S.-based producer and photographer documenting the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter movement and COVID-19 as it disproportionately impacts Black Americans.  She has written and produced content for a variety of national and digital media organizations including CBS News, NBC News, The New York Times, and RYOT.  Cydney presently works at Al Jazeera International Media, where she produces short documentaries for the digital media entity AJ+. Her current projects include producing limited documentary photo-series involving the COVID-19 pandemic and the civil rights movement unfolding across the U.S.


Guilherme Bergamini


Alba Escayo