when  my father looks at me he sees himself.jpg

Ally Zlatar

  “When my father looks at me he sees himself”

digital collage, 

4 x 4 Inches

April 2020 



I am 22 years old and I hold a BFA in Visual Art & Art History from Queen's University & an MLitt Curatorial Practice from the Glasgow School of Art. Currently, I am pursuing my Doctorate of Creative Arts with the University of Southern Queensland. I have dualistic experience as a Curator/ Artist and been involved in many projects and galleries globally. Ranging from projects with such galleries as Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Hunterian Art Gallery & Glasgow's Centre for Contemporary Art.  Exploring  my artist practice as a methodology that suggests the human condition is more complex then it is currently understood. Using primarily, painting, collage, and sculpture I examine, instigate and provokes notions of the individual experience through specifically focusing on philosophical discourse, body image, embodiment, animals & ethics. Additionally, my book The Starving Artist: Understanding Body Image and Eating Disorders within Contemporary Art is in over 30 Universities wirld wide including Harvard, Yale, Princeton etc. ( More info here: https://thestarvingartist.pb.studio/) . I started a charity for The Starving Artist as well which has raised over £5000 for Eating Disorder Treatment.  I really hope to be an inspiration through my art practice and would love to be featured on a platform such as yourselves to spread awareness.


Anil Demir


Guilherme Bergamini