Peer Through My Window

September 1 - 30, 2021

Isabel Monti

Isabel Monti

Isabel Monti



Isabel Monti is a multidisciplinary artist currently based in Düsseldorf Germany where she is a MFA candidate at the Alfred University Alfred-Düsseldorf Painting MFA program.  Here she has focused on autobiographical figurative painting and neon light. She received her BFA from the University of Wisconsin Madison. Though she has been painting ever since she was little, neon was recently added to her arsenal at UW-Madison.  Monti grew up in Wisconsin and during her undergraduate studies she spent seven months in Italy in 2018. She has been apart of multiple group shows in Madison, WI, Alfred NY, Florence Italy and Düsseldorf Germany.

Artist Statement:

My neon practice is mainly about exploring my own identity, specifically my gender and sexuality.  I was living in a one bedroom alone on the first floor and thought a lot about how vulnerable it was to be so exposed. I loved letting light in and seeing the bustling world around me, but it meant that everyone could see into my private space.  This idea of vulnerability and exposure really stuck with me. I love how red neon, like an open window, demands our attention and holds us captive. Don’t Mind Me Just Air Drying My Delicates and See me, be gentle are neon lingerie and under garments that symbolize womanhood and sexual empowerment. It has become a way to express the confidence and the desire to be vulnerable and open about these things. A clothing line can often give you a snapshot into someone’s life. It’s typically out in the open for the wandering gaze to pass over.  The more I learn about myself the more authentic version I can be and the more vulnerable I can be with friends and lovers. 


Mary’s Vase