Take the Worms from Me Like Sticky Pearls, 2019

panel covered with pink tissue paper, acrylic on glass, enamel on artificial skins, acetate prints, artificial teeth, dentist bite, 2.10X 50 cm


"YOU WANT TO PASS YOUR DISEASE EVERYONE, DON'T YOU?" This work was born from research on sexually transmitted diseases. The starting point were fictional texts of their own and present in the literature, as well as some Cronenberg films (Rabid, Shivers), about the feminine before the sexually repulsive. The exposed panel was the beginning of this investigation that is still under development. Excerpt from one of the fictional texts produced during the research: β€œAt home, alone in the bathroom, your own body becomes a target for annihilation. In a ritualistic way, she positions herself in the embroidered bathtub and slowly begins to cut her vagina with a razor blade. Through it all, your facial expression remains unchanged; she cleans the bathtub and gets ready for dinner. She mutilated that part of herself as a means of internalizing feelings of anger and her own ugliness. Past experience has taught her to deny her femininity, to despise her, because she feels "less than". Her repression is not just a fear of fulfilling sexual desires, it is a fear of rejection - so she rejects herself before anyone else can do it for her. But this is just one aspect of your busy schedule that carries the threat of some kind of infection. The body hatred also reflected his own residual anxiety about having an incurable sexually transmitted disease. She brought back all these self-destructive doubts: he acted like his dick would fall if he had sex with me. The idea that I was sexually transgressive just because I had this disease would rejuvenate my tendencies towards self-loathing, envy and revenge. When my fear of rejection increased, I responded by terrifying others. ”


Who Tells You Is Dead, 2018