Giusto pilan portfolio 2020-convertito.jpg

Giusto Pilan


“Mouches à l’apèro”

mixed media on paper,




Artist Statement

An artistic language which takes its form through the creation of archetypal images. The artist - inspired by « finds » - gives birth to representations which lie as sediments in the ancestral memory of mankind. 

My artistic research is principally addressed to the recovery of a lost memory which finds its origins in the birth of mankind and the first rock paintings. I use a mixed technique for my works on paper. I create shapes that recall human or vegetable forms,by pressing iron profiles onto the paper,images which are balanced between a mark and a shape, in a constantly precarious role. My painting technique is based on the use of marble dust, wax and pigments. My brush is a blowpipe which makes the pictorial materials penetrate the support, by means of its flame.  My work does not want to show,denounce or describe anything particular-the subject is secondary to the dazzle of an ancestral light. 


Chunghee Yun